
Social Emotional Development Tools

Michael Trout Collection

Check it out! DVDs and digital downloads from a child's perspective who have experienced foster care, adoption, divorce, domestic violence, incarceration or abuse and neglect. Also a collection of Barefoot Books, games and activities to connect families and inspire children.

These development wheels are easy and practical reference tools for educating parents, caregivers, and professionals about early social and emotional development. Each wheel provides a glimpse into the world of the pregnant woman, infant, toddler or preschooler and guides interactions that promote nurturing relationships and healthy social-emotional development in young children.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Parents and Children

5 Critical Needs for Babies in COVID-19: Supporting Strong Social-Emotional Health

Download our factsheet to learn more about babies’ and families’ social-emotional health needs during COVID-19.

Telehealth Services in Infant Mental Health Home Visiting

Amidst the current COVID-19 crisis, home visitors have been asked to continue to provide services but to do so via telehealth. Although this does not change the relationship-based model used, it does change the way in which we practice....

Fathering During Challenging Times

Everyone is having a hard time right now. Dads too. This infographic shares parenting tips for Dads during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Tips for Supporting Infants & Young Children's Transition as we Re-Open

The global pandemic has been stressful for everyone, including our children. It will take time for infants and young children to adjust. This document walks through tips to support infants and young children through this transition.

Helping Children Understand Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (YouTube Video)

This video is designed to help kids better understand why medical providers look a little different right now with the extra Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) they're wearing due to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Mental Health Resource Hub (PsychHub)

As the world faces unprecedented fear and uncertainty, the mental health community understands that we are stronger together. That's why we've teamed up with the nation's most credible mental health organizations to collaborate on a free resource hub to help people address their mental health needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris: Helping Adults and Children With Trauma During the Pandemic (ACEs Connection)

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris offers specific tools parents and caregivers.

How to Mitigate Pandemic Fallout for Babies and Toddlers (Psychology Today)

Prevention is worth a pound of hand soap. Just as we must wash our hands to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, we also need to focus on our youngest children during this unprecedented time, to foster healthy mental health for the next generation.

Parenting Infants & Toddlers Through the COVID-19 Pandemic (OSU Extension)

While being homebound allows children to spend more time with family members, other aspects of this change may cause stress or anxiety. Familiar routines may be disrupted, physical activity limited and eating and sleeping patterns may have shifted. Children may be confused about what is happening and why.

TTAC Webinar: Supporting Families and Caregivers of Infants and Young Children Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic (TTAC)

In this webinar, Drs. Joy Osofsky and Gerard Costa addressed the impact of the changes in our world and personal lives brought about by COVID-19. Special attention was given to the ways in which infants, toddlers and preschoolers are affected.....

'Of Course She's Not O.K.’ The Conversation That Changed How I Thought About Early Motherhood (Time)

I had made it as far as the street corner when it occurred to me that I hadn't paid. I'd said goodbye to my friends at the restaurant and walked out. When I returned, embarrassed and apologetic, one friend mentioned that another had asked if I was O.K.....

Childhood trauma changes your brain. But it doesn't have to be permanent. (Northeastern University)

Researchers at Northeastern are studying rat brains to understand how trauma in infancy makes children, but especially girls, more likely to develop anxiety and other similar disorders later in life....

Resources for children on COVID-19 and staying healthy (Child Trends)

Resources for children on COVID-19 and staying healthy......

FAN as a Grounding Tool in Uncertain Times - Resource #3: Feelings

We are experiencing a collective trauma. We aren't supposed to be our best. We can be kind to ourselves......

Helping Children in Emergencies: Keep Your Child's Developmental Stage and Temperament in Mind (ACEs Connection)

Common reactions to stress will fade over time for most children. Let's be honest: Your exploring, tactile toddler won't suddenly start keeping their hands to themselves. Your continually forgetful preschooler won't suddenly start hand-washing properly just because you've told them it's important. Depending on their ages.....

17 Activities For Toddlers That Won't Bore Them To Tears (Woman's Day)

Caretakers of toddlers know they are an active bunch, constantly on the move and ready to play. Keeping up with them requires lots of energy and attention as they'll be eager to get their hands on everything from building blocks, to finger paints, to dress-up costumes, and more.....

Helping Children from Going Limbic (The Fatherhood Channel)

Upsetting feelings are making kids sick. Good listening helps. Dr. Paul MacLean's triune brain theory is getting lots of attention in the evolving new normal of the global coronavirus pandemic. For parents wondering what to tell children about coronavirus, Dr. MacLean's concepts are a good foundation.....

How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus (PBS for Kids)

I had thought my initial conversations with my kids about COVID-19 had been good enough. But with adults, kids at school and the news all hyper-focused on this coronavirus outbreak, my reassuring voice needed to be a little louder.....

Parenting During the Coronavirus Outbreak: What You Need To Know Now (MindShift)

We are education reporters by day and parents by night (and day). But, in recent weeks, our two worlds have collided, with parents and educators equally concerned about the spread of COVID-19. So here's a quick rundown of some of the great questions we've heard from listeners and readers and the answers we've been able to explore in our reporting....

Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus (Zero to Three)

Kids, this comic is for you. It's based on a radio story that NPR education reporter Cory Turner did. He asked some experts what kids might want to know about the new coronavirus discovered in China....

Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus (Child Mind Institute)

News of the coronavirus COVID-19 is everywhere, from the front page of all the papers to the playground at school. Many parents are wondering how to bring up the epidemic in a way that will be reassuring and not make kids more worried than they already may be. Here is some advice from the experts at the Child Mind Institute....

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for COSP Facilitators

Zoom Exhaustion is Real (mindful)

Zoom exhaustion is real. Here are six ways to find balance and stay connected.

OSU Extension - Coronavirus Resources

As news and unprecedented challenges continue to spread through communities due to COVID-19, stay alert and up-to-date with information and resources. Follow updates on the coronavirus/COVID-19 situation from Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Oklahoma State Department of Health and Oklahoma State University.

COSP in the time of COVID-19 (Circle of Security Int'l)

COSI's Project and Professional Development Director and trainer, Deidre Quinlan, recently met with a couple of our COSP colleagues to record their reflections about Circle of Security in the time of COVID-19. Several COSP Facilitators are also featured in this video.

COVID-19 and the Grief Process by Robert Weiss, PhD, MSW (Psychology Today)

oday we are all grieving. We are grieving the loss of our freedoms, a predictable future, and the lives and roles left behind in our communal rush away from the coronavirus. Our grief equally involves our captains of industry and those who make our sandwiches. All of us are fearful about work....

That Discomfort You're Feeling is Grief by Scott Berinoto (Harvard Business Review)

Some of the HBR edit staff met virtually the other day — a screen full of faces in a scene becoming more common everywhere. We talked about the content we're commissioning in this harrowing time of a pandemic and how we can help people.....

Neurosequential Network State-dependence COVID 2020 3_26 with Dr.Bruce Perry (YouTube)

This video discusses the shift in functional capability of the human brain with a shift in internal 'state.' This principle is relevant for anyone interested in human behavior including parents, educators, and clinicians.

Excerpts from OK-AIMH Weekly Membership Newsletter

AIMHiTN Emergency Preparedness Toolkit

Guidelines for Beginning & Maintaining a Reflective Supervision/Consultation Relationship via Distance Technology

RSC provided by distance technology has been on the rise in recent years. This has been a result of the continued recognition that RSC has garnered in the field of infant-early childhood mental health in addition to the need for equitable access to quality RSC....

FAN as a Grounding Tool in Uncertain Times - Resource #1: ARC of Engagement

Effects of screen time and playing outside on anthropometric measures in preschool aged children (PLOS ONE)

In view of the current obesity epidemic, studies focusing on the interplay of playing outside (PO), screen time (ST) and anthropometric measures in preschool age are necessary to guide evidence-based public health planning. We therefore investigated the relationship between average time spent PO and ST from the ages 3 to 6 years and anthropometric measures at 6 years of age.....

Yes, Stress Really Is Making You Sick (Newsweek)

In the mid-2000s, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris opened a children's medical clinic in the Bayview section of San Francisco, one of the city's poorest neighborhoods. She quickly began to suspect something was making many of her young patients sick....